
Showing posts with the label Opal options


         Boulder Opals    A boulder opal rock contains thin seams and patches of opals surrounded by or attached to it's natural host rock. As the name suggests, they are mined from large ironstone boulders under the ground, in carcks and crevices. Silica from dissolved sand trickle down and the silica precipitated out of solution.  Boulder Opal in its host rock     Boulder opals typically display bright and vibrant colours. The natural iron stone base of boulder opals gives added stability and adds to the depth of colour produced in which  the gems occur make for added interest.     A boulder opal      Boulder opals calm the inner soul by representing the interplay of emotional elements, facilitates personal actualization, and self awareness. It is an excellent stone for progressive, expansion and development. Boulder opal ring     Value of this ston...


   Matrix opal         Matrix Opal is fabricated of hydrated silicon dioxide and has a water content ranging from 3% to 21% by weight. It is an Opal in which precious opals are intimately distributed  through it's host rock, creating a vein network.It is likewise believed to possess the ophthalmic virtues. It is also called 'Type 3 Opal'     A Matrix opal Matrix opal is the spectral delight. Soothing to the eye, it instigates love, purity, happiness, innocence and hope. This phenomenal fiery stone is believed to bring luck, new growth, creative freedom, and compassion.  The combination of spontaneity and love in the stone's spiritual properties make it a seductive stone, attracting desire to it's wearer. Matrix opal According to the Roman historian, Matrix opal is described as a precious stone which holds back the sea-green beauty of the Emerald, a fiery flame of the Garnet and the dazzling purple of t...